Our Houses
Our House System brings the school community together through exciting programmes such as our annual Road Run and Sports Carnival. It is a tradition that bonds our students and staff as proud EVGians.
Our houses are named after six founding fathers. They are Mr David Marshall, Mr Eddie Barker, Mr Goh Keng Swee, Mr Lim Kim San, Mr Othman Wok and Mr S. Rajaratnam. The rationale for the selection is based on the character traits of these pioneers and a reflection of Singapore’s multi-racialism. By wearing the names of these founding fathers, we believe that EVGians will be inspired to live out the founding fathers’ values, which are mirrored in our school values of Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Enterprise.
Draco is a symbol of passion and excellence.
Aquila is a symbol of precision and determination.
Centaurs are renowned great archers, gifted with foresight.
Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection and a strong determination to succeed.
Pegasus is a symbol of knowledge, inspiration and imagination.
Leo is a symbol of exuberance and leadership, courage and personal honesty above all else.